lunes, 30 de julio de 2018



Resultado de imagen para WOULD
El auxiliar would, usado como condicional, expresa una idea de voluntad, de aceptación, de preferencia.
I would buy a car if I could. Yo compraría un coche si pudiera.
I would make an omelette if I had some eggs. Haría una tortilla si tuviera huevos.
(had forma el pretérito imperfecto del subjuntivo)
What would you do in my position? ¿Qué harías tú en mi lugar?
I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we started dinner without them. Estoy seguro de que no les molestará si empezamos a comer sin ellos.
(started forma el pretérito imperfecto del subjuntivo)

Would es usado en las formas de cortesía:

I would like some change please. ¿Me podría dar cambio por favor?.
Would you like something to drink? ¿Le gustaría tomar algo?

También permite expresar el futuro dentro de una oración en pasado (would es el preterito de will):

Bruno says he will come to the meeting. Bruno dice que vendrá a la reunión.
Bruno said he would come to the meeting. Bruno dijo que vendría a la reunión.

be always +ing

Sentence A – using "always" with the present progressive to describe an habitual action – is an alternate way of saying sentence B.

Sometimes it's possible, and very expressive, to structure a sentence in the way that sentence A is structured to describe a recurring action of somebody. Often the speaker is complaining about the person s/he is describing.

Other examples like this:

"¢ I can't stand my roommate! He's always leaving dirty dishes in the sink.

"¢ Will you please let me finish my sentences? You're always interrupting me!

"¢ What? You forgot your keys again? You're always forgetting your keys! You should tie them around your neck with a string!

In each of the sentences above, you can, of course, also use the simple present tense, which would a statement of fact, not necessarily showing your attitude. In the sentences above, however, you are showing annoyance.

It's also possible to show extreme approval with this construction, although it is less frequently used in this way::

"¢ Oh, Mary is so generous! She's always giving money and her time to charity organizations.

"¢ Bob is a born handyman. He's always looking for something to fix in his house.


Imagen relacionada
Existe una pequeña confusión sobre cómo usar las palabras " use to" y " used to" . Una razón de la confusión es que a veces se usa como un verbo, y a veces se usa como un adjetivo. La otra razón es porque parece que el tiempo cambia. Es realmente bastante simple cuando lo miras.

Usado como un adjetivo . Use para ser + usado para . Esto significa estar acostumbrado. Por ejemplo , puedo estudiar con la TV encendida. Yo estoy acostumbrado a ello. Significa que estoy acostumbrado, ajustado, o no me importa tener el televisor mientras estoy estudiando.

Otro ejemplo: a Tim le costó mucho vivir en Tokio. Él no estaba acostumbrado a tanta gente. Tim no tenía experiencia con grandes multitudes de personas antes.
Usado como un verbo. Usar to + verb es un verbo regular y significa algo que sucedió pero que ya no ocurre. Utiliza -ed para mostrar el tiempo pasado. Pero como siempre significa algo que sucedió en el pasado, siempre debe usar el tiempo pasado.

Por ejemplo 

  • solía ir a la escuela en París. (Fui a la escuela allí antes, pero ahora no.) 
  • cuando Joshua era un niño, solía trepar a los árboles.(Ahora él no trepa a los árboles)

Recuerde, siempre usamos esta palabra cuando hablamos del pasado. Entonces, ¿cuándo utilizas usar sin la d al final? Cuando se usa la forma base del verbo.
 Mire estos ejemplos. 
Ella no solía nadar antes del mediodía. (Ahora ella nada antes del mediodía.) 
¿ O tu padre solía montar a caballo? En estos casos, el tiempo pasado se muestra con did y did not .

  • We ____ breakfast in the same café every morning.

  • I ____ the bus to school.

  • They ____ on time.

  • He ____ Mexican food but he loves it now.

  • ____ work in a bank.

  • When they were children, ____ the dinner?



Imagen relacionada
The tense of a verb indicates the time of the action or state of being that is expressed by the verb. Each of the six tenses has a basic form. All basic forms are derived from the principal parts: present (base), present participle (be verb plus -ing), past (-ed), and past participle (-en plus havehadhas). Using the correct tense of verbs when you speak and write is essential to understanding in what time period actions took place.
There are four categories of verb tenses: simple, perfect, progressive, and perfect progressive, with a version of the present, past, and future in each category. Each tense has its own meaning. When the actions take place (completed, ongoing, continuing into the future, has yet to occur) determines which tense to use.
Simple Forms
Let’s start with the simple tenses.

Next is the past tense, which indicates actions or conditions that have occurred already and do not extend into the present.

Ex. She felt better after her test.
Ex. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

Past Perfect
The next tense is the past perfect, where the action was completed before a specified time in the past. To form the past perfect tense, you will use had plus the past participle form of the verb.

Ex. We had considered several alternative plans.
Ex. Bill had finished packing before the taxi arrived.

Past Progressive
With the past progressive, the action was going on during a past period being discussed. It is formed with -ing (the present participle) plus was and were.

Ex. By the 1970s, many Americans were buying smaller cars. 
Ex. I was writing to you when you telephoned me.

Past Perfect Progressive
The past perfect progressive tense describes something that began in the past, continued in the past, and concluded in the past. It is formed with had and been plus the -ing form of the verb.

Ex. I had been riding the bus until I got my license.
Ex. Frank had been leaving get well notes to his uncle.

Resultado de imagen para REVIEW OF PAST TENSE